Feature Request: Mark a lesson as complete without moving unknows words to known

Would it be possible to add an option to “Mark a lesson as complete” without moving all the unknown words to known?
I consider a lesson complete when I understand 80% of its conentent, and I do not want to be forced to look up all the words I know before moving on.

Many thanks

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This has been brought up before and the response has always been negative.

What you can do, though, is to close the lesson using the cross at the upper left. I am refering to the browser version. In app it might be positioned differently.


The response has not always been negative. That is an unfair characterization.

Negative in the sense that the request has been rejected.

Change like this is not in the plans at the moment.


Thanks for the tip. I will try to find a way to quickly create the lingqs. I like to mark a session as finished; it gives me a sense that I had some work done.

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@roosterburton 's “autolingq” will get the job done.

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