It would be nice if we could generate the AI audio for a lesson, without opening the lesson. For example, inside the corresponding course, from the 3 dots for each lesson, or inside the editing of each lesson, where there is the option for an audio file.
In this way, when we study, we can go from one lesson to the next, with the audio already prepared, without having to wait for the generation of the new one.
If we have to open each lesson for anticipating the creation of their respective audios, the words of the first page for each lesson will be counted as read, and all those lessons would go in the Continue Studying field, messing up the entire chronology.
btw, you can manually fix the read count on the first page by simply clicking on “statistics” button under 3 dots.
It would be nice to have such an option though.
I wish if they could ADD audio download button under view course section so once I am done with the whole course I can go under “view course” tab and download all audios of the respective lessons in one go if I want to listen to them on my iphone or mp3 player. The accessibility to having such an option makes life easy as a learner otherwise there is always a workaround.
yeah, but I don’t want to spend more time deleting and correcting those numbers. In any case, it wouldn’t fix all those lessons opened appearing in the Continue Studying section, when not read yet. I use that section daily to quickly click the last lessons opened, and continue reading them from where I left.
But if you add the entire course to the playlist section, or even individual lessons creating you own playlists, you can listen to all the lessons you want to directly on your iPhone. Unless you need something different.
Are you studying Spanish now? I haven’t followed the news lately.
Are you studying Spanish now? I haven’t followed the news lately.
I will start learning Spanish soon. I’m right now focusing on English and trying to maintain German. I downloaded a list of 5000 most common words in Spanish and created a course of short stories with the list through CHATGPT. Soon I will start working through it. I have listened to a couple of audiobooks in Spanish on hoopla (local streaming website for audiobooks/ebooks in the USA if you have a library card at any American public library). There is also Kanopy for movies streaming. Good thing is , the resources for Spanish at local library are abundant and free of cost.
As for as creating playlist goes, for some reasons, I was facing a technical issue with German playlist. I have not used it for a long time hopefully bugs are fixed I will directly add audios to the playlist. This is also a good workaround.