[Feature Request] Change Multiple Lesson to a Course

My request is for LingQ to provide a better and faster way to move multiple lessons to a different course.

I usually put things into the Quick Import first. If I continue to import lessons from a similar source (e.g. a Youtube channel), I move them into its own courses. However, the current process is extremely painful. I can tolerate it more if the speed to load a page is faster. However, it takes a few seconds for each page to load.

To move a single lesson to a different course, I will need to

  1. Enter the course page
  2. Enter the lesson page
  3. Click “Edit Lesson”
  4. Click Three-Dot Button > Click “Select Courses” > Select the Course > Click “Add”

In the numbered list, each item requires a page refresh, which can takes up to 5 seconds. To move a single course, it could take more than 1 minute.

The consequence is that I either don’t bother to order the course or simply settle with an existed course.


Reply to see if there is any update.

I agree, that would be a useful feature. Perhaps this could be added to the “edit course” page which allows you to select multiple lessons using the checkboxes. Then you could move all selected lessons to a new course as a single batch?

I’ve tried to organize my imports as well but same you, it’s too cumbersome and they just pile up under “quick import”. I would love to have an easier way of adding a lesson to a course.

Not at the moment, but that’s something we will look into improving in the future updates. It’s on our list.