The splitting in Japanese has been weird now for a few months and i have lost all hope that it will ever be fixed but re splitting text with AI fixes it. Im just tired of having to manually go in and press it. Again Im tired of talking about this issue so if there was a toggle to just automatically re split all imported lessons with AI i would be happy with that at this point. Please and thank you.
Where is this button?
Thank you!
You say it fixes it but resplitting with AI? messes the formatting (and furigana for some reason…) so much that I’m not even sure it’s an upgrade. It is really disheartening to see what they have done to Japanese.
At any rate, I know this is not what you asked for but you could use this to resplit an entire course. It’s less hassle if and only if you can do all your imports upfront.
Example, from importing
Without resplitting (ok formatting, bad segmentation):
With resplitting (bad formatting, ok segmentation):
Proof of furigana completely buggy after resplitting (notice the two 億):
just go to edit lesson and under regenerate lesson it should be right there
I don’t use furigana so i had no idea that was even a issue. That’s yet another bug it seems.
I have been using lingQ for like 5 years but as of a few months ago, all imported lessons now have like 15%-20% more unknown words than they ever did before. The new changes they made tacked more pieces of grammar to words making more new unknown lingq’s. When i re split with Ai it goes back down to the usual %
Im just asking for a button in the settings. It probably should not be automatic for everyone since it seems to cause some issues but for me im fine with it.
Which platform?
I don’t see it there in Brave and there is no “Edit Lesson” in the android app.
I know what you are asking for, that button was available at some point. You can even see a screenshot in the forum post I linked above. Iirc there were some issues with it where the popup they implemented at the time would still appear even if you had it toogled on…
They went and removed it, and since we both are very much aware how lingq works these days I just thought that mentioning that alternative could be of use of someone. Of course it’s not ideal.
I’ll forward this to our development team.
i use lingq on desktop i just click edit a lesson and its there