[Feature request] Archive or Hide Completed courses

Would it be possible to reintroduce the option to archive completed courses or hide them from view? It doesn’t make any sense to have completed courses still on the continue studying shelf. The library is already very cluttered and that would make it easier for the user. There might be many reasons why a user doesn’t want to delete completed courses (one of them being that the option keeps malfunctioning), so an archive/hide from view option would be very welcome.


It depends, I would keep it as an option, but I’m not sure I would make it a default.
While I think that content organisation could be improved and that it can get cluttered easily, I like to have a list of lessons I just read in front of my eyes, so that I can review them if I want to. If completed courses wouldn’t be immediately visible, I would still want an easy way to access them, because even if I keep on reading new material and I may encounter the same words that way, I like to review content I already studied to keep words fresh or transform lingq into known words. lingq not equal known words, our end goal is to achieve a higher number of known words. I’m sure most of people don’t review. It isn’t a must, but I personally suggest it.


Yes, but they could create an “archived/completed” lessons shelf or link like they did for the imported lessons. Ideally, users could create their own shelves and arrange their library as they see fit. I just find the current arrangment lacking in many ways.


That sounds like a good idea, could work as a tag or folder system.


I agree, I would want to delete lessons and courses. I don’t like the idea they could create an “archive/hide” option as an alternative because we can’t delete lessons and courses.

If they FIX the option I previously stated, then an archive option could be useful for some people. But just as an option, and not as a default possibility.

I want to be able to keep my library completely clean.

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Don’t worry, it’s not going to happen anyway. Mark has already dismissed this suggestion on Canny.

If you just leave it, it will eventually fade from view as you add more courses. We have no plans to reintroduce archiving. Your active courses will remain at the top of your displayed list.


Well, I guess he doesn’t have an organized library. :upside_down_face:

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I know. I don’t think the developers spend much time on Lingq as users and don’t see the flaws like we do. I hope these ghost courses are gone soon though. What a pain. :rage:


Yes. I’m especially for the “completed” tag\folder or whatever. I understand why users want to keep their lessons, but I want to hide some, especially where I have “0” knew words, to me that means that I can’t study this content more, because there are no more things to learn.


That sounds reasonable to me, too.

In addition a different type of displaying the courses would be nice. This huge icons that are so popular nowadays may make sense on mobile devices with small screens, but are absolutely pointless on a pc. I’d prefer a list of the courses, with those course beeing expandable to see the individual lessons. :upside_down_face: