Feature Req: Autoplay sentence

A feature request:

When reading through a story in sentence mode - is it possible that we can autoplay the audio for that sentence - as we load the page on the new sentence.

I do this for every sentence but have to manually play it - which is tiring.

Reviewing the article suggestions that are populating as I write this ticket - it seems a fair amount of people have requested this in the past.

When would we reach critical threshold to add this to a sprint for development? I would imagine it is fairly easy coding.


I’d like this as an option with every reading mode. Many times I forget to turn on the audio, and once I’ve forgotten, I don’t like to restart the lesson. If I could set it to start the audio as soon as I load the lesson, it would be a great addition. However, it must only be an option - I can easily see some users being annoyed by it if it were forced.


If this feature is implemented, I expect it to be optional. When going through my own uploads, I usually play the full lesson audio and read through the sentence mode. I think this makes it easier to notice any mistakes or missing text and to correct them.


Agreed - always an option. Toggle on or off as desired.


This feature has been also requested on canny more than a year ago. It would be definitely useful.

You can vote for this feature directly here.

A single short cut to go to the next sentence, show the translation and play the audio (or any variation) would be useful. I am never comfortable recommending lingq without it.



Unfortunately having some issues signing up for Canny. Says it is unable to confirm my identity.

Will keep trying.

Was hoping Devs could prioritize - as it does seem to have been requested for some time and has support