Fascinating English content

Guys,where I can find interesting English content(such as podcasts)?I tried to find it on Lingq,it is interesting,but it’s not what I’m looking for.I want a real language,content which not adapted for learners.I like VOA news,but they are too short and there’s not many words what I don’t know.There’s a lot of podcasts on itunes,but all of them without transription.So folks,can you give me a hand?Some interesting podcasts with transcription,maybe news or something.Thanks in advance

couch_potato: some of the news articles on these sites have transcripts, and some do not www.npr.org . www.cbc.ca http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/ . Take a look, and you may find some that are of interest.

The interviews on this program are often very good Fresh Air : NPR . It looks like the newer interviews have transcripts. Left-click on the title of the interview (for instance, on “How the Glock Became America’s Weapon of Choice”) to be taken to an individual article’s page, and to the right of “Listen to the story” you will see a little “Transcript” link. . . . The older interviews do not have transcripts, yet many of the older interviews are extremely good. Try searching for subjects of interest to you at the bottom of the page, in “search fresh air from whyy”.

EnglishLingQ podcasts and many of the interviews in the Library are real language.

If you indicate what your interests are, it may be easier to suggest something for you.

Have you tried searching via iTunes? Just change the country settings to an English speaking country and you will have a lot of good program suggestions displayed.

Yeah,I tried,but all of them don’t have transcripts

I’m interested in the last news or something like that.

The last 7 days’ audio, video and text to take away from the BBC:


Texts with Audio from the British Council:

Dear couch_potato:

If you want to improve your listen skills, You should check this website BBC Learning English - BBC Learning English - Homepage. There you can listen a lot podcasts but is real language in normal speed as well and you can practise with the transcript and answer some questions about this podcast… It is really interest, I hope this help you.

I’ve been learning English and this website has been helpfully to me.

in this collection there are interviews which hasn’t been adapted for learners