Hi, I tried various mp3 files to transcribe/ generate lessons using whisper. But they all failed. I’m wondering if it’s a technical glitch? Thanks!
During the last hour I tried to transcribe some lessons, result: 1 successful, 10 failed so far.
Can you please let me know if you still have the same problem now?
I’ve tried again with 2 different mp3 files. Now they’re forever stuck in transcribing stage (5 hrs + as of now). But they didn’t say it failed, either. Any idea?
I managed to transcribe a couple of videos by uploading their audio. Then I tried importing several youtube videos from the Chrome extension directly. None of them were successfully imported. I mean they do go in the queue of lessons being processed but then they fail. I think it doesn’t have to do with the chosen videos or with the Chrome extension itself. Maybe there’s something in the pipeline of the transcription system that fails. I waited many hours, but it failed at the end. This is a screenshot of the situation.
I hope you can do something about it. I have a lifetime subscription, I am patient and plan to use Lingq for long time even with this problem, even though I wish it will be solved soon, but others less patient than me, especially those without a lifetime subscription may want to cancel the subscription if Lingq doesn’t work as expected. The ability to import your own content for learning is a core functionality.
The AI transcription feature seems to be back to normal now! Thanks!
I am sorry to report that I still have problems instead. It is glitchy, it is very rare when it works for me. It doesn’t most of the times. I am wasting more time trying to use the function than creating content on my own. I hope the service will improve. I like Lingq, that’s why I care about it. I wanna keep using it.
I have the same issue and I also have a lifetime subscription too.
The 1st file uploaded well, all the others failed.
Are you planning to fix this issue?
In addition. Is there any way I can create an srt file with another software and upload the mp3 file and srt separately?
Thanks for reporting issues, everyone. I asked out team to check this again.
I tried a few other times and I gave up using it. I was just wasting a lot of time - after a few hours most of my upload were just failing and I had to resubmit them all again.
Did you (Lingq) manage to do any improvement to this function? This is an important feature for me. A transcription should not take longer than 5 minutes for a 30 minutes audio. At the moment I am using another webservice but the overall process is slower compared to what Lingq can offer if is was working well.
I really hope this is going to work well soon.
I didn’t use Whisper transcriptions lately to be honest. I tried just now creating a lesson from the tv series I’m watching (the one that maybe has geo restrictions) and already 1 hour passed and it didn’t complete, it didn’t error out yet, so I’m just waiting. (Usually when it’s taking too long, it will fail later). When it works I usually get a notification that it’s transcribing within a few minutes. I’m going to sleep now. Later I’ll check and try also with other videos to let you know if it works well.
P.S. that video transcribing failed.
Today I uploaded 10 files, and it all went well.
Some of them showed up as failed, but after refreshing the app they successfully uploaded.
As it is, the upload audio function works well.