Extreme Learning Survey

Hey everyone,

Curtis over at www.extreme-learning.org came to us asking if we’d let some of our members know about a survey they’re doing. The survey looks pretty interesting, and is part of a study that looks to see how technology helps motivate people to learn and share their knowledge with others. He sent over a couple of links, one of which is a survey for 13-17 year olds and another for adults. If you’re interested, head over to the survey:

  1.  Extreme Learning Survey - Online Language Learning Middle School and Secondary students (ages 13-17): http://www.surveyshare.com/s/AQAAKID
  2.  Extreme Learning Survey - Online Language Learning Adult Learners: http://www.surveyshare.com/s/AQA92MB

I filled out the grown-up survey.

I have ever tried to answer this kind of survey (in French) on Radio France International, but this survey is much longer than RFI’s. Today, I’ve just answered some questions, but will do it later.