Extension: Rooster Lesson Translator -> Automatic translations for LingQ lessons

Is it possible to add a premium feature that allows you to create/display multiple of the same type of translations for a given translation?

For Example:

Human Translation [English Translation 1]: [Translation from the video, or if you’re basically a translator yourself—not me—or just want to put in your own tweaked translation]
Direct Translation [English Translation 2]: [Translation that keeps the original structure of the sentence, so you can understand how the sentence is laid out but still see the actual words in your native language—not sure if any programs do this, but one way for users to do this is to write out their LingQ definitions in a pseudo-direct-translation style]

Here is an imperfect example of something that a user can use to (aid them in) creat(ing) a direct translation if tools like this aren’t as accessible/don’t exist:

Edit: Screenshot from Mirinae - Korean Language Explorer — credit to them

Being able to display multiple translations in a sentence would be really helpful (and being able to export this as an additional field to Anki would be great, too)!

P.S. Not sure if it exactly fits into the Rooster Lesson Translator, but since it regards a type of translation, I thought I would pop this here.

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