Exporting vocabulary from a specific course/lesson exports all of my lingqs from every lesson

I want to export the vocabulary from a specific course only. After filtering for the course I want, I click the “term” box at the top (which selects every check box on the page) and select export. When I open up the exported file, it contains all of my lingqs from every lesson, regardless of how I filtered.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and know how to fix it?

Strange, I checked on my end and it works fine. Have you applied changes after you added filters?
Also, make sure to select “Export” option, not “Export All” after filtering.

Just noticed the same problem and I did select “Export All” only because the “Export” option was greyed out. Any reason the “Export” option is greyed out but the “Export All” option is not?

@redstrat “Export All” is always available since it will export complete list of your saved Vocabulary. “Export” is for exporting specific LingQs only and that option will be available after you select LingQs you want to export.

Thank you. Yes, my mistake was not ticking the “Term” check box to select the LingQs I had filtered. I initially thought the filtering itself was all you needed to do.