can i export vocabulary list (LingQs) to XML or xls or other
can i export vocabulary list (LingQs) to XML or xls or other
This function is on our list of things to do. I cannot say when.
It would be useful function
You can export them by groups of 100.
Choose your preferred way to sort them, select to show 100 at a time, tick them all and press the print command button that is in the top of that list.
The system will show you your vocabulary list in a sort of print preview.
You can select from that list, copy and paste where you need.
I hope it can help.
When you get round to it…no hurry…have you considered offering an export to ePub or PDF format option, for people to review their vocabulary on their electronic book readers? Or would that be too hard?
This is all an area that we want to get to. Keep the suggestions coming please.
ok thanks for all
“have you considered offering an export to ePub or PDF format option, for people to review their vocabulary on their electronic book readers”
Quick update:
I’ve figured out how to do this now, using the “print” page and copying and pasting into an .RTF file. I convert the table to text (separated by paragraph marks) so it displays better on my 6" screen.