Error with youtube video import

hey guys
i am facing a little error while importing youtube videos
so some of the videos that i import seem to have the audio imported from the videos as well. Hence i can listen to just the audio of the said video
but in some other cases it would show me the generate audio lesson button in which would make a audio made by text to speech software and not of the original video
how can i solve this
i would love to have the videos audio at all times
thank you

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When importing from YouTube, you should get original audio too every time. Can you post a link to one of videos you don’t get an audio for when importing? Thanks!

here is the link to the lesson

and here is the video link

let me know
thank you

Thanks, we will look into it.

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let me know

I have the same issue

any updates on that zoran ?

We tried importing that specific video on our end and both audio and subtitles were imported successfully. What browser/extension are you using?

i am using chrome and the lingq extension if thats what you are asking for

I have been experiencing this as well. The first time I was able to, but since the last 6 weeks or so when I import it only does the subtitles and today after 6 hours it still is importing the 2.5 min music video.
I use safari and redownloaded the lingq extension today.

Do you have the latest extension version installed? Can you try reinstalling it and then give it another try with import?

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