Error or censorship in a swedish lesson?

Greetings. I am pretty confused because I was learning Swedish with the lesson “#10 Anders & André – The Homecoming of Annika Östberg Deasy” when I found this random “j” in the middle of the sentence. I tried to listen to it to catch the word and make an edit but, after several plays, I’m still confused. I think that maybe the host is saying a swear word (Jävla)? Is this censorship from someone who edited the lesson or am I mistaken and it’s just a retranscript error? If it’s censorship, I don’t think that’s correct since swearwords are a part of a language too.
Or maybe he says “jäv”?

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help :slight_smile:
I’m joining a screenshot of the lesson

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Listened to it, they are saying jävla. It is sometimes written as j**la. Perhaps illegal characters were used and lingq removed them automatically?
The word jäv means something that doesn’t fit in this context.

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Thanks. Should be good now.

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Thank you both!