Error getting the writing topic

I’m taking Allison’s course “The Chrismas Spirit”, but I can’t get this week writing topic.
This is the link displayed:

This is the error:
500 - Server error

What can I do?

Hi Paco,

Does the link have a space in it when you try it or is that just how it appears on the Forum?

Hi Paco,

We’ve figured out what the problem is. It should be fixed in the next few hours. Sorry about that.

I have the same problem with Helen’s course “Interesting Things for Students of English”. I try to submit writing for the first lesson “Wikis Free-for-all Web editing that works” and get the same 500 error - Server error.

Funnily enough, Rasana, that lingQ works for me! It would be more useful if it worked for you though…

Sorry we’re still working on this. We should get it fixed today.

Hi Everyone,

This should be fixed now. Sorry for the delay. Please let me know if you’re still having problems.