Error 400 when importing


I’m getting an error 400 (bad request, check connection or try again later) when attempting to import via the extension. It’s happening on both Safari and Chrome on iPad.

Is there a fix required?

Many thanks

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Sorry to hear that! Do you get that error message for anything you try to import? Do you have the latest extension version installed?

It’s not everything, so can import successfully from the relevant Wikipedia articles in the target language (as an example) without difficulty, but it wouldn’t work on some other sources. I’ve imported from them in the past without any problem, so seems to be a more recent issue.

Can you post some of the sources you are unable to import the content from?

I have the same problem. I can’t import from YouTube when I use my iPhone.

Thanks, we are investigating the issue.

I am also having the same issues. I haven’t been able to import YouTube videos for a week or so now. I have tried doing so on my iPad, my phone (iOS) and also from my computer (Mac). On my computer I have used the chrome extension to no luck, and also using the LingQ website.

It would be appreciated if this could be solved quickly as this is the main way I use LingQ and I really like the platform.

I have also had some issues with listening to YouTube Audio once something was imported in the past. This stopped working a few weeks ago. I have had to listen to the audio on my phone, and read the transcription on my iPad. Not ideal (when I was able to import in the past).

We are looking into the issue, thanks for reporting!

Hi Zoran, everything looks to be working again. Thank you very much for your help!

Still no ability to play audio of YouTube imports however, but they are importing again back into the app. Thank you!

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Glad to hear it. Unfortunately, we had to stop importing the audio due to breaking YouTube rules.