Enhanced Profile and Privacy Settings

We have just added additional information to member profiles. You can now see the Country, Native Language and Languages of Study for each member. You also have the ability to share your email, skype name and name with everyone, just your tutor or if you are a tutor, you can share this information with your students. Just adjust the privacy filter beside these fields in the Profile area of the Settings page. You can also now view your own profile by clicking the See My Profile link at the top of the Settings page.

Hi Mark,
Just two things I noticed when I clicked on my profile information. Languages of study include all languages that I ever opened, looked into, but didn’t actually study. Currently I study Russian, Swedish, French and English on LingQ. Is there a way of changing this information in the profile? Maybe by adding this as an extra space on the settings page.
When you point the cursor to the photo, the name appears as in the account settings (even if it says “nobody” there). So it doesn’t make sense, I think, to offer a choice in the settings of whether to disclose your name or not.

Hi alleray,

We will eventually only show language in which you are or have been truly active. Thanks for pointing out that the user’s names were being displayed in the image tag. We have now changed this to display the username instead.