English advanced course and events on March?

Hello everyone!
On April, I’m going to do one or two 30 minutes presentations in a workshop and hopefully I’m going to have a lot of discussions with fellow researchers. English is the only common language, so… I would like to practice a little during March.
I was thinking about taking an advanced course to help me getting back my focus, which a lost a little bit since I returned from my vacations.
I’m not really concerned about the topics. Maybe some items from the Science & technology, everyday life, interesting things, whatever… just keep me talking once a week…
I think I’m going to do also an additional speaking session. I would like to do something like the old “impromptu” events, to exercise my ability to reason quickly about unexpected topics.
My preferred times are:
Tuesdays or Thursdays - from 8:30 to 9:30 gmt
From Mondays to Fridays - from 12 to 13am gmt.
Anyone else (tutors and colleagues) interested?
Last thing: next week I won’t be available, I can only start on the first week of March.

Noted Ana,

I will try to create some for you, but I hope others will too.

I can help as well. I will create some later tonight (after the kids are in bed)! :wink:

Tuesdays or Thursdays - from 8:30 to 9:30 gmt I presume you mean morning time GMT

This equates to past midnight for me so I pass.

From Mondays to Fridays - from 12 to 13am gmt. Do you mean midnight to 1 am in the morning GMT?

This would mean 4 in the afternoon Pacific time and is fine for me on both Mondays and Fridays.

Please confirm.

If you just want to talk and not write I can just set up discussion times without any courses. Please let me know Ana.

Sorry! I forgot the PM!!!
It is 8:30-9:30 PM GMT (or 5:30-6:30 GMT-3 for me)
12am-13am GMT, yes, I guess it is midnight GMT, since it is 9-10 PM GMT-3 for me.
I really would like to do both (a course and some separate discussions). I got this earlier times on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the hope to have more people interested, so I could have group discussions.
Thanks for your effort!

Hey, Allison,
I don’t know if you scheduled something yesterday, if so, I’m sorry. Indeed, I intend to start this specific effort on March, until the end of February I won’t have the time, ok?
Anyway, I’ll be monitoring the courses and speak areas the next days so I can subscribe in advance.

Sorry I didn’t reply to you earlier Ana, I can do Tues and Thurs 8:30 - 9:00 pm GMT during March. I haven’t had time to think about course creation yet this year, but I can certainly schedule some discussions. I’ll set up the times and if you are interested we can talk about topics later.

Hello, everyone!
I guess I got already enough “motion” for my English studies on March, with Steve and Helen. Thanks to all of you for your attention!