Email updates for Wall postings

Don’t we get email updates if someone posts something on our walls? I don’t seem to be getting any…

Check your email settings on the Settings page to see if you’ve checked the box to not receive any emails. Unless you’ve specifically asked not to receive them, the notification emails should send.

I don’t receive notification emails for group discussions (in fact I receive them sporadically). I’ve reported this several times a year ago, but I still don’t receive them.

For example, I signed up for Tom’s discussion 2 months ago.

“Sunday, November 06, 2011
20:00 - Tom: Discussion with Tom, Steve’s brother. milgaz, Xena”

and forgot about it, and LingQ did not send any alert about this… I even can send the screenshot of the spam folder — there is no LingQ email… And the screenshot of my settings…

@Xena - Thanks for the heads up about this. We’ll take a look and see what the problem might be.

Well, I do get email updates for posts on the forum. For instance, I saw all of your posts in my email. It’s just the wall posts that I’m not seeing.

Forum threads are the exception, and are controlled by whether or not you watch the thread/forum. These are separate from all other system mails (LingQs of the Day, wall post alerts, friend notifications, etc.).

Do you have it set to receive emails or have you checked the box to not receive emails?

I had disabled the email updates for LingQs of the Day, but after reading what you wrote, I enabled it again, and I just checked my email account to find that I got an email for a posting on my wall. Problem solved. Thanks Alex :slight_smile:

You may just want to set your LingQs of the Day to “Do not send” to make sure you don’t miss out on other important notifications. In any case, glad to hear it’s working for you now :slight_smile:

Yesterday I signed up for today Helen’s group discussion and received e-mail reminder. It looks like LingQ stores data about booked discussions in a short term memory and forgets about discussions that were booked several months ago :)))

@Xena - Unfortunately, it is very hard to test that particular issue since it requires a two month lag time… :slight_smile: Sorry that happened. We will try and figure out what happened there. Our server shouldn’t have memory lapses…