Efect of Time Zone change?

In the past I changed the time zone to have the possibility to continue my streak past midnight. Is this still possible? I’m asking because in LingQ 5.0 the countdown (“23 hours 45 minutes remaining”) does not seem to be affected by the change of the time zone.

Second question: When is it too late to continue the streak (at midnight sharp according to the chosen time zone? Or is there a tolerance so that you can be a couple of minutes late?)

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Yeah, you can still change your time zone under the Profile Settings and you will have until midnight your time to reach your daily goal and maintain the streak.

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Thank you for your quick reply, Zoran. I think there should be an update of the “countdown” of the statistics widget because it shows a remaining time according to my local time (although I have changed the time zone). (“REMAINING” in the middle of “DAILY GOAL” and “STREAK”)

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Thanks, I’ll check that.

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