Editing lessons

Can you try that lesson again? We made a small change that could be the issue. Please let me know.

Hi Mark, I actually had the same problem this week when fixing an error in a very brief Korean vocabulary lesson. I was trying to fix 여매, which is a misspelling of 예매. I got the same error message as Darkslide820.

My browser is Google Chrome. The lesson is here: Login - LingQ

@Darkslide and RicardoA - What kind of error do you see by the way? Is there any message?

It’s the same one that Darkslide820 posted above: “An error has occurred while processing your request. Depending on the type of error, it may be automatically logged and reviewed by our team so please retry your request in a few minutes. If you are still getting this error message after a few minutes, please email us at support@lingq.com.”

Ok, thanks. We will try and get to the bottom of this.

Nope, still showed the same error message.

@RicardoA and @Darkslide820 I sent you both emails back on Tuesday with more informations related to this issue. Can you please take a look and respond when you get a chance? Thanks!