Editing flashcards on the iLingQ App

Is anyone else finding that if you edit your flashcards on the iLingQ, the changes don’t get saved? In the past, changes have been saved, but recently pretty much every edit I have made on the go has been lost.

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@protorich - Sorry for the trouble! I believe there are some issues with this currently, though we are working on a new version of the app that will fix any existing issues with the editing of LingQs.

cheers Alex!

I have reported in detail this issue and for two years now I have not seen much improvement. Not only the app but if I upload long word lists or transcripts and then use the “old view” on the website to edit translations not all edits are saved. IN fact it should be saved as English and 50% of the time the Spanish flag is saved. I have changed this back more than once. I spend more time editing and reinputting than I do studying my flashcards. I am about to give up and I have tried for 4 years to work with this SRS but it just isn’t efficient.

I’m not sure what you mean here. This is not an issue on the app anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. You may want to make sure that you sync the app after making changes before you try to access this vocabulary on your computer. Until you sync the app any changes you made offline won’t be updated.
Regarding the translations with the Spanish flag, you should not be saving your translations this way if they are in English. The flag is meant to represent the language your translation is in. This helps us show those translations to users in the right language. If the Spanish flag is being set automatically for you, this is because you are checking a Spanish language dictionary. Are you using a Spanish-Spanish dictionary?