Edge extension not working

It seems that the Edge importer extension isn’t working currently. It just says “Importing” indefinitely. Even for something like a YouTube video that has subtitles, it isn’t working.

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Can you please try reinstalling the app and let me know if that helps?

A reinstall of the extension didn’t seem to help unfortunately, and it looks like I’m using the latest version of it.

Do you have problem with anything you try to import? I just tested on my end and was able to import from various sources, including YouTube. Do you have problem with specific videos/sources only or it doesn’t work at all for you?

I have the same problem since update to 5.0. The extension does not work on youTube with edge but does work with chrome.

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This is exactly what I have found. The import app does not work with Edge. It just keeps “downloading,” never finishing.

@YShmuel What are you trying to import? Are you importing through the extension on Edge?

Sorry, looks like I never realized you responded to me. A recent example is here: Pinguini Tattici Nucleari - Scrivile Scemo (Testo/Lyrics) - YouTube, and also here: QVC AfterShow - Disabilità, il ruolo della società - YouTube. I was able to import both of them from Chrome’s extension, but on Edge it just imports indefinitely and never finishes.

However, for example, this article has no problems on Edge: Una rivoluzionaria tecnica di trapianto potrebbe curare gli organi danneggiati | National Geographic

I’ll have to experiment some more, but it seems like I only encounter the issue if I import from YouTube, but other sites seem to work fine so far.

I have the same problem with Edge and YouTube.

Sorry I missed your comment. Yes, I was trying to import a YouTube video with Hebrew subtitles with the extension on Edge. Actually, I know that Edge has problems with other apps too, even playing movies with HBO plus in the Edge browser has problems. I decided to switch back to Chrome. The extension works fine in Chrome.

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Okay, great. I actually just tested importing on Edge extension on my end and it worked fine. Not sure what could be an issue on your end.

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@Fer.weh I just imported two YouTube videos through Edge extension without any problem. Please note that at the moment not all videos with auto-generated subtitles can be imported.

Okay, I’ll try. But actually I moved over to Chrome already.