Minha duvida é se devo escrever assim mesmo = I left your left shoe where you had left it ! ou I leave your left shoe where you had left it !
Pois I leave your left shoe where you had left it ! darai mais sentido na tradução, desculpem sou iniciante no estudo do idioma, Peço perdão ai pela minha pergunta.
Meu Português é inexistente. Aqui é o meu esforço Traduz Google
As lições não são destinadas a iniciantes. Eu brinco com algumas palavras e sons em muitos desses textos. Peço desculpas por qualquer confusão.
“Eu deixei o seu sapato onde você deixou” está ok. Eu também poderia ter dito: “Eu já deixou seu sapato onde você deixou.”
The lessons are not aimed at complete beginners. I play with some words and sounds in many of these texts. I apologise for any confusion.
“I left your shoe where you have left it” is ok. (The verb is to leave, left, left.) I could also have said: “I have left your shoe where you left it.”
Tiago, o passado de leave é left.
“Left” é tanto o passado (e particípio) de “leave” quanto “esquerdo”.
A frase é “I left (deixei) your left (esquerdo) shoe where you have left (deixou/deixado) it”.
Thank you, Elric! It helps to know what one is being asked… One of these days!
Your reply was perfectly correct, SanneT, my post was intended just as a confirmation.
I like of recreation in english… well I’m confused about use the sound betweend see, sea, wood, would, then, than, hear, here, could you make on text about that words?? I loved your text, by the way, I’m going to find my left shoes right now, I’m silly…
I am so glad that you liked the lesson, thank you. I should be less busy in about three weeks’ time and shall then have a look at putting together another text. The sounds, though, will be nearly identical in most of your word pairs and only the context will tell you what is what.
I thought I had already done something along those lines, but there seems to be a black hole somewhere …
@ RamonBA I still haven’t found the lesson on the word pairs you mentioned, but as there is no difference between the sound of most of them, you will be fine with your pronunciation.
Only “then” and “than” sound differently, just like their respective vowels:
“She is taller than a man.” In that sentence ‘man’ and ‘than’ sound alike.
“… and then, when we are ready, we’ll go to the cinema.” Here ‘then’ and ‘when’ sound alike.
Hope this helps…“Then” and "Than " are the only pairs of words which have a different pronunciation.