Dutch studies?

Hi one, all .
I am a lingq user ( duh ) that is interested in teaching his girlfriend ( Russia ) Dutch , preferably via a system much resembling lingq . I would advise her to use this site , of course , only Dutch is not yet amongst the options ( no critique , you can not do everything at once :wink: )
So , I decided to teach her by giving her a couple of short bedtime that I would read out loud , and she could read at the same time . Only problem is I can not just pick up a book and give it to her , because she is , being a Russian , in Russia . I would therefore have to find material online . You can hear my question coming .
Anybody found any interesting sites for learning Dutch ? Any adapted shortstories of the sort ? Vocab featuring drawings ? Any help would be much appreciated !
Thank you all in advance , even for just reading .
My personal thanks to Steve in particular , this site rocks !

All the best ,


Nou Tim, ik geloof dat je nederlands bent dus zal ik ook als zodanig antwoorden. Ik, met nog een andere dame, ben bezig om nederlands op deze site te krijgen zoals alle andere talen. Het ligt in principe aan steve/ mark voordat nederlands op deze site zal komen. Ik geloof dat dat niet al te lang meer duurt…dus wacht gewoon nog even en je vriendin kan het persoonlijk hier leren.

In English: Well Tim, I belief you’re dutch speaking so I will answer as such. Myself, with another dutch lady, are busy to get Dutch on this site, like the other languages already on this site. In principle it is up to steve/ mark when the Dutch language will be launched on LingQ. I belief it wouldn’t take a lot of time anymore…so just wait a while and your girlfriend could learn it here by herself.

gr. sjoerd

Hey Sjoerd !
Super nieuws ! Erg bedankt , ik zal aan mijn vriendin alvast laten weten deze site in het oog te houden ! Ik hoop dat het duo Steve/Mark snel tot een besluit komen :slight_smile:

Hey Sjoerd ,
Great news ! Thank you very much , I will advise my gf to keep an eye on this site ! I hope the duo Steve/Mark will come to a resolution soon :slight_smile:

