Dutch currently not learnable?

Hey everyone.

For the 90-day-challenge I wanted to start with Dutch again. Now I can’t seem to find it in the language list (top left corner) possibly because it’s still beta. Is there any way to learn Dutch now here? I just remember I learnt a lot last year and would like to start again. Then it was possible to choose beta languages too.

Am I just overlooking something? Thank you for your help!

I just hacked myself into the Netherlands section using this link:

Now I got it in my language tab left corner with a star marked. That’s pretty much what I was looking for.

Hello Elienne!

Good luck with your 90-dat challenge!
Dutch has been made invisible because it is still a beta language.
Luckily you found the link!

I hope Dutch will be officialised very soon!


@Elienne - yes, Dutch is still a beta language, but you can access it: Login - LingQ

And adding more Dutch content would be much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hello galina,

thank you very much! I just started to add the Dutch version of 20.000 Miles Under the Sea by Jules Verne. Hope someone will enjoy it :). Going to get the LibriVox-Content up since silviad is doing great work here! Thank you for your effort, Silvia!

Actually LingQ has reached the limits for a supported language recently.
Look here: http://www.lingq.com/forum/2/22305/

"LingQ has reached the limits for a supported language recently. Look here: http://www.lingq.com/forum/2/22305/ "

Just to make it clearer, it should read “Dutch has reached…” :slight_smile:

Oops, you’re right Michele. I guess it was too early in the morning…

Thank you for the additional information! I’m wondering if there is a list or similar of all existing beta languages on LingQ? How is one supposed to know whether e.g. Swahili is supported or not, if one can not see it anywhere? :slight_smile:

These are the languages I remember so far:
Arabic: Login - LingQ
Czech: Login - LingQ
Dutch: Login - LingQ
Finnish: Login - LingQ
Esperanto: Login - LingQ
Hebrew: Login - LingQ
Korean: Login - LingQ
Latin: Login - LingQ
Norwegian: Login - LingQ
Polish: Login - LingQ
Romanian: Login - LingQ
Turkish: Login - LingQ

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@VeraI - That’s all of them (except Korean, which is a supported language)!

Wow, thank you very much, Veral! I didn’t even think it possible that someone would answer to my request. Thank you very much!

You’ll find that the members here are very helpful. That is something I like very much here on LingQ.