Double Spacing on Imports

When I copy and paste into the import page all my lines become double spaced. ie:






and it makes the imported lesson quite ugly. Anyone else have this problem? Is there an easy remedy?

Yes. I’ve reported this problem month ago.

I think it all depends on the source of the material. It happens to me occasionally but not often. I believe there is little we can do but will wait for Alex to respond.

Hmm. Maybe it’s related to operating system. I’m using OSX and I’ve tried copy and pasting from several text editors (Vim, Textedit, Word) with the same double-spaced result. I’ll try on my Windows laptop a bit later

There may be something else happening here as well.

As for having the bookmarklet open in a new tab, I think that is worth doing, and may even be on our list, but I can’t say how high the priority is right now.

I think the double spacing issue may come from the HTML code or CSS design in the original webpage which causes problems for the parsing mechanism in LingQ? I would say I rarely have this issue from both of my Linux and Mac machines, but I have to say I used to remove all the HTML-tag-things before pasting to the import section.

@spatterson - You can get it to appear like the former if you use Shift+Enter instead of Enter. The former adds a “return” and the latter adds a paragraph break. As far as I know this is always the way it has been when importing lessons.

Yeah I usually try to fix everything with Shift+Enter when I copy everything over but it’s time consuming. It seems like a strange behavior when you’re copying in plain text from a text editor

@spatterson - What you may want to try is filtering it through Microsoft Word or something similar, then use the Find and Replace function to replace the paragraph breaks with returns.