Hi! I struggle to understand the functioning of the SRS in Lingq. I would expect the app to rate my knowledge and assign SRS score automatically (since it corrects all my answers), but all my vocabulary is still on level 1, even after a couple of repetitions. Do I have to indicate the level manually every time? Is there a way to set automatic SRS algorithm? I will be grateful for any explanation.
Each LingQ is shown twice in a session. After that, the session is over. Any LingQs that you answer correctly twice, get moved up 1 status level. Once a LingQ has been viewed, it is removed from the SRS review pool of LingQs due for review. It is added back to the SRS pool based on its status - 1 (1 day), 2 (3 days), 3 (7 days), 4 (15, 30, 90 days), Known (never). Once you have viewed all LingQs in the SRS pool, you will have no more LingQs to review that day.
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Okay! that’s what was confusing me - normally the cards are Assigned a level after one answer and not two. Thank you for the answer!
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