Does anyone happen to know any unusual colour words? I mean not just red, blue, orange etc., but something more interesting like auburn. Thank you in advance)
The following is a list of colors. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accur...
The following is a list of colors. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accur...
The following is a list of colors. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accura...
I think you will find a lot in there!
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I should have thought about Wikipedia in the first place, but thank you nonetheless:)
It’s a bit of a strange request. Are you writing a poem?
No, I’m just getting a bit tired of using the same colour words and not being able to convey different shades of colours.
April 27, 2015, 4:49am
I was born with beautiful auburn hair; as a teenager my hair looked like it was on fire when I was in the sun!
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You might like to use the names of metals, like bronze - “tanned bronze by the sun”; copper - “copper hair”; silvery - “silvery hair”; lead/leaden - “leaden sky”; gold - “golden sunset”. You can even use the names of berries or vegetables, eg. strawberry - “strawberry blonde”, means a redheaded person, as does “carrot top”; beetroot - “Judging by his beetroot face, he had better to do something quickly about his high blood pressure”, etc.
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Ok. I only know red, green, blue, yellow, and orange. After that, it gets too complicated.