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There is a subsection titled “My Activities” under the section “Tutors”.
I found my past correction requests there.

I don’t know, but mbr also noted “Our full [real] names were being shown for at least more than 8 hours without any consent. I don’t think it was a minor issue.” Whoops! Another breach of trust. I don’t understand how programming changes get moved without somebody thinking about essential issues like: Is private or hidden information being displayed for all to see? One would think that if you’re removing a functionality labeled “private” or “hidden” that something would ring a bell.

I don’t like it very much. Generally, simpler is better.

I couldn’t see how my profile page appears to other members, so I checked it by using another account “mbr”.

I suppose that our real names were being shown to other members for about 48 hours.

Weird that you even have to do it that way. Use or create another account to view how your own profile actually looks to everyone but yourself.

It’s also weird to see on my profiile page all notices that I wrote to my friends and followers!
It likes as I( I wrote all them to myself! And in addition the comments don’t content the names of the friend to whow I had rwritten them.
Very strange! For example, I recommend 15 of my followers my new oidcast - and now I have all these 15 recommendations on my profile!!~

Mark, I see on my tutor page that I can offer a discount for 5 and 10 lessons.
I chose 5% for 5 lessons andf 10% for 10 lessons.
But how doers it work?
It rerfers to the same student during some period of time or it refers to the quantity of my offfered lessons in total for a monthor a longer time?
And if the student wants to speak only 15 minuters, but can’t sign up it now, can we maybe divide thie points for two lerssons each for 15 minutes?

There are some issues on the profile page that we are working on. We have hidden all wall posts until we get them sorted out. Thanks for letting us know. There are a few views of the profile which will be made easier to access.

I edon’t see the bottom ‘confirm’ but I see the bottom ‘join’ - Does it mean the same here?

You will see the Confirm button when someone has requested a conversation with you. Once you have confirmed it, you then see a Join button instead which shows instructions on how to join the conversation. After the conversation starts, the button says Send Report.

Yes, a student can get a discount if he buys 5 or 10 conversations with you, if you choose to offer a discounted rate. They would sign up for all those discussions with you of course. There are no 15 minute slots available now so I’m not sure what you are asking.

Don’t get me started. Under ‘My Activities’ I can see parts of some of the submissions that I have sent corrections on (other people’s submissions, which I don’t have any need for) or received corrections on (my own submissions), but I can’t see all of them, namely I can’t view a full post of all of the various requests that I submitted in the past, nor all of the corrections I received on them — which were paid for through the points system and which showed on the former “friends” page, with the appropriate filters for locating the submission, relevant to the language in which it was submitted.

As one example, I can’t reach or access a written transcription that I did of audio of a Dutch news report about a nuclear reactor in Petten, for which I received corrections from members of this site whose native language is Dutch and who I rewarded for their effort through the points system. Time, effort (and points) were spent and it’s inaccessible now. That’s very bad.

This is my big complaint about the big new programming move. I’ve been told that the Exchange was “little used,” but that doesn’t explain why a feature — that had previously been paid for through the point system — is suddenly largely inaccessible, all because of a new programming move. If I were Shigeharu and I just happened to have submitted my French (mp3 audio) Transcription requests a few weeks ago, I would be able to access them easily, only because they’re among the top 20 or 40 or 60 or 80 or 100 or 120 newest requests in whatever random assortment of languages they happen to appear in (right now English, Chinese, French, Dutch Japanese, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Greek). There’s one of mine in Dutch from the other day that I can access. Loading… loading… cannot page up or down while loading… may or may not load the next 20… loading… loading… page eventually stops loading and older requests are inaccessible. I think you get the idea.

Look under Exchange in the ‘Need Help?’ box and also under Points in your Settings to understand how this system (up until now) worked.

I think the new ‘My Activities’ page operates something like what (as I recall) the old reports showed under Points in your Settings. It was more about a history of exchange reports that were sent or received. It was never about providing a complete picture of your exchange request post, nor of all of them and all of the corrections you received. It doesn’t provided a link which allows you to view the full post; it will only take you to a full post if an active request hasn’t been “closed” by the person who submitted it.

And the newly redesigned and relabeled “Writing” Exchange page is just a mess now. It is a shadow of its former self.

There will be filters on the My Activities page by next week at the latest. Previous exchange requests will eventually be properly displayed. Give us a few days to work out some of the wrinkles. Past activity will be displayed properly in the end. As for the new Writing Exchange and writing correction setup, that is what we have decided to proceed with. As I said before, the choice was to remove the old Exchange functionality completely or to try to adapt and find something that would be worth maintaining. Keeping the old functionality was simply not an option based on lack of usage.

Hi, It’s difficult to use it to find his tutor for taking an appointent.

This is troubling also. Last year, I had 140 15 minute conversations, 62 30 minute conversations and 4 that were an hour. With no 15 minute option, I fear I will lose a number of students.

I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying you find it difficult to find a specific tutor? Or, once you find a tutor you have trouble booking a conversation? Use the search field to find a specific tutor. Click the Book button then Choose Time, then Book Conversation to make a booking.

If you’re looking for me, Claude, click on Tutor and then enter Solanderdog into the search field.

We took a look at what our main competitors were doing and adjusted our commission rate, pricing, point expiration and scheduling to be more competitive. They seem to have minimums of 45 minutes so 30 minutes is not out of line. We will see the effect of the changes and we can always adjust if need be. The fact is that the previous setup was under-utilized. We are hoping to increase usage in this area with these changes. We will be monitoring the results of course.

Hi Mark, you do your best and want the best for LingQ. There are good news things, aber it’s difficult to adapt each time, we have to spend the time. I would like to spend the time I have by simply learning. It’s difficult to find things in the library. I do not find the same pleasure to learn as before. The pages for friends doesn’t work, the system of points is not clear at all I hope it’ll be better. All the best :slight_smile: