Do you know where I can find some audio books which are cut out to 4-5 minutes mp3 for one part

do you know where I can find some audio books which are cut out to 4-5 minutes mp3 for one part

in what language?

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I highly recommend “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. It’s my favorite! You can find it in the LingQ library.

I hate to have to say this: All Roald Dahl books are still under copyright. The book should not be in the Library. :frowning:

I didn’t know that! I was very imprudent. Thank you for the warning, Sanne T.

As long as the lesson is imported for private use only, it is alright to study it. It just mustn’t be in the public library on LingQ. Enjoy it, it is a wonderful book!

Unfortunately the book is in the public library.

why? you mean the book"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?

“4-5 minutes mp3 for one part” - do it with Audacity.