Do lingq count our active or passive vocabulary?

Do lingq count our active or passive vocabulary?

Depends on how you decide to mark the word I suppose. Do you set it to known when you recognize it in context? Or do you set it to known, only after you know you can use it actively in speech.

I personally mark my words known as soon as I recognize it in context. I don’t care if I don’t know it well enough to use in speech.


That’s one way to look at it, although if you do the SRS (vocabulary review), it seems to improve the status of the words based on passive knowledge, i.e. recognizing its translation, picking out of 4 options etc. But the latter would be rather frustrating as this is a reading app and once I am 100 % comfortable reading the words, there is no reason to learn these words from reading anymore, plus a new way to test whether I know them actively would have to be established, as well as what counts as active knowledge. Is it when I use the words spontaneously in my creative writing, conversation etc. or just when that word is pointed out to me? Is it enough to use it in one sense or do I need to use it in a variety of its meanings?


I’m new to LingQ. I wonder what experienced users are doing in practice. Do you create lingQs only out of words and phrases that are not in your passive vocabulary or are not in your active vocabulary? Or maybe folks are making a combination of active and passive lingQs and they have some heuristic for determining whether to create a LingQ?

I think, personally, that it makes most sense to mark it as known when you know it in context (passive). This is what Steve does as I’ve always understood it from his videos. In the beginning I tried to mark it when I thought I knew it actively, but you spend way too much time trying to determine this and I’m not sure to what benefit. Better to mark it known when you know it in context. If you come across it again and don’t recognize it, move it back to “1”, or “2” or whatever number you prefer and move on.

If you worry too much about it, you’ll just get bogged down and I think your progress will really slow down.

Maybe those that use a lot of the Vocabulary review (“flash carding”) part of LingQ may have a different opinion, but I think many LingQ power users who don’t use the vocabulary review are of the same or similar mindset.


It counts your passive known words. As I think of it, there is pretty no good system you could build to accurately count your active vocabulary – with a large passive vocabulary, there is no way to predict which one of them you’d be able to produce on a whim if it was needed in a conversation.