Discussion group

If someone is interested in studying the novel from Hemingway " the old man and the sea" with tutor Julie, we have room for two people. Alejandro (asierra) and me (serge33510) would be very happy to welcome you in our group.

Hi, I want to attend this class, my Skype account is “intotherain2003”
Could I join you without points?


Let me try to understand you. Everyone else buys points in order to participate in discussions with tutors, but you would like to be able to participate without points? Is that your question? If so, why should you be an exception?

if you want to have a tutor, you have to pay for it, a tutor is how a private teacher.

With a tutor you can have corrections and I think that is very helpful for you. You can copy the correction list after the conversation and learn with.

We would like to have you join us in our discussion group. There are certain activities that are available without points, and others that do require buying points. There is a good explanation of these activities on the LingQ website.
As Irene said, buying points to enjoy all the benefits of having a tutor is very helpful. I know you will find it useful!

Hi, I want to attend this class, my skype name is ammachinni. Could I join you.

Hi, bujji6in

I would give you the same answer as steve had for shao_s, you can’t attend a conversation without paying. I understand you are a free member, so in this case the system doesn’t allow you to join discussion groups.
You can upgrade to a higher level or just buy points from time to time, it’s up to you.

hi, i want to attend this class too. Show me the way to attend, please . i’m vietnamese. I’m new member . my email : lamdangkhoa0106@yahoo.com. thanks !

Hi - nice to have you here, welcome.

I don’t know the day for this class but generally the way for conversations is the following:

For conversations click on the blue index card “Speak” here above.
Then you can look for all conversations.
You have filters for tutors or you can click on calender for searching a date that is suitable for you.

Have fun here.