Did You Meet Your Language Goals for the Year?

I don’t make goals, but a lot of people do, so I’m curious to know how your year was-language-wise.

I pretty much failed in my attempt to add a couple of languages because I was too busy during the first seven months of the year and I got very lazy when I had time to study again.

But thanks to LingQ, I can read Japanese a lot faster and I’ve started writing in Italian (something I never really did in the past), so I’m excited about these small signs of progress.

What about you?

Sorry, I mean I don’t state my goals (I always have some vague goals, of course). You can respond in any language. It may be more fun if you do.

Thank you for starting this timely thread.

I usually do not set the numerical goal for my language learning, but one thing I’d like to say here is that I enjoyed learning English on LingQ very much this year. Especially I signed up for a lot of discussions, which were hosted by my dear tutors. The progress snapshot on my profile page tells me that the total hours I have spent in speaking on LingQ sum up to 74.3.

I appreciate all the tutors and all the LingQ members who keep motivating me to sign up for LingQ discussions this year.

I reached all of my goals this year, I have started writing small paragraphs and sentences in Chinese, I have reached 10,000 words in German and started speaking about more advanced topics, I have also started speaking some Swedish.
But I think the thing that I am most proud of is that I went from scratch to a good intermediate 1 level in Spanish in only 6 months and I am now really enjoying being able to sign up for conversations in all of the above languages.
I am really strict on time managment and organisation so as you can already see on my profile, I already have my goals for the end of 2011.

Toll, Harry!

Da ich nie Ziele habe, kann ich sie natürlich nicht erreichen. Was Französisch und Spanisch betrifft, bin Ich bin jedoch sehr zufrieden. Ich habe meine Scheu vor dem Sprechen (fast) verloren und habe angefangen hin und wieder etwas zu schreiben.

Mit den anderen Sprachen ging es nicht so gut, weil ich sie ignoriert habe.

Mein persönliches Erfolgserlebnis im Jahre 2010 war, dass ich beim Polyglot Project mitgemacht und daraufhin im Herbst als Tutorin bei LingQ angefangen habe. Ein großes Dankeschön an Jolanda,Vera und Serge . Es ist alles Eure Schuld (Euer Verdienst?)!

Sanne, das ist DEIN Verdienst. Wir haben Dir nur Mut gespendet :slight_smile:

Ich habe mir im übrigen auch keine Ziele gesetzt, außer dem Ziel, Spaß am Sprachen lernen zu haben. Das ist für mich das Wichtigste!

Můj cíl je dosáhnout 10 000 slovíček v angličtině a tak nějak pomalu pracovat na mluvené řeči. Plynulé samozřejmě. Zrovna ta plynulost tak nějak zadrhává. Jinak se tu učí jazyk velice dobře. Hodně matroše.

It’s wonderful to see your grateful attitude and SanneT’s as well.

Well, you’re amazing-it will be interesting to see you for a second as you zip by us. I was not nearly as motivated as you are at your age-so it’s pretty impressive to see your accomplishments here. The funny thing is that I am not impressed with either your German or Chinese, but with your Swedish and I feel the same way about Steve-I’m like, He speaks Swedish…great awe

Vera has the right attitude. “Spaß am Sprachen lernen zu haben”…

Happy New Year!

Hi Makacenko! I’m glad that you responded too. I could make out a few words, but not all of them, so I used Google Translate. I imagine that we’ll see more of your language in the coming year!

I made numerical goals for Spanish, which I didn’t meet. :frowning: However, I do see that I have made progress, so I can’t be too upset. What I am most proud of, though, is that I kept studying the whole year.

I have had a wonderful year on my journey to learning to speak German. My goals were to accomplish tasks on a daily basis. Listening, reading, and speaking daily, were among my goals. I had also wanted to be able to start speaking the language and hold conversations with native speakers. I have been successful in all of these endeavors in 2010. I have experienced enormous pleasure from being able to start to speak the language and to carry on a conversation. I am sure my wife thinks that I am obsessed with this, but there are far worst things to be obsessed with. It has been great fun for me!

My not so concrete goals for 2011 include more of the same activities that I focused on in 2010.