Dictionary integration: where is Leo?

The integration of Leo is gone couple of days ago: Französisch ⇔ Deutsch - leo.org: Startseite

It can’t be selected as dictionary for word lookup anymore. What happened???

The dictionary is actually still available, nothing changed there. Are you still not seeing it?

Nope, it’s not in my list of dictionaries. Since a couple of days. PONS is missing too. I had both of them selected and then they were gone and I can’t see them in the list of available dictionaries.

OK, that’s weird. I can find and add the dictionaries with the web version of LingQ. After that the changes are propagated to the LingQ-App too. But the dictionaries were not available for adding in the app. I use LingQ on two mobile devices: Smartphone and Tablet. Neither of them had these two dictionaries available.

Thanks, we will check that.

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