Deleting a course from my courses

How do you take a course off of “my courses”?

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For now it’s not possible to delete entire course at once from My Courses, but if you click on the settings button next to My Courses and Beginners tab, you will be able to select My Lessons instead of My Courses and on My Lessons tab you will be able to remove lessons. Once when you remove all lessons from the same course, the course will also disappear from My Courses page.
We’ll do our best to implement “Remove Course” option too soon.
Hope this helps!

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I’m sorry to hi-jack this thread but it was the closest-relating to my problem.
I opened up the settings button as you describe and changed the last tab from “Beginners” to “Selfout2.0” … But upon doing so, the “Beginners” option disappeared so I’m unable to change it back. I will include a screenshot to show you. Thanks

Thanks for letting us know. We’ll get that fixed.

I tried to remove a few of my courses by removing all lessons from them but I still have these courses with zero lessons on my list. What to do?

PS It seems they’ve gone after a while, I guess I just had to wait.

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