Changing speeds it a bit of a pain when having to clickthru to the speed you want. Is it possible to hover over the speed and have either a dropdown or popbox that allows me to pick the speed I want.
Also, as a beginner, I usually always set the speed to .75 so it would be nice to have an option to set a default speed so that I didn’t have to change the speed every time I listen to audio.
When you pause a lesson and come back at a later time (i.e. open it again), it reverts back to 1x, even if e.g. 1,5x is selected. Could you look into that, please? Thanks!
I would like to add my vote for a default audio speed setting. It is a pain to adjust the audio frequently on multiple shorts audio files while walking. If anyone knows a hack to maintain multiple files at a 1.1X or a 1.25X speed Without manipulating each track, then I would be interested and grateful. Thanks!