Customer service

I ordered this service - but what happened today? I got about 20 News and the most I knew. I got these some days ago.

I do not understand. Which service are you referring to? We have some problems on the site right now that will be fixed today. Please describe the problem again.

Sorry Steve, I don’t know the name exactly, I think
The Linguist on Language - New Post

Your podcasts and other informations.
Normaly I receive one or two - but today I got more then 20 in one push.

it is coming from: in order from Customer Service (

This was a problem caused by aweber, which is the mail service we use. This is out of our control, unfortunately. They provide the email subscription service on Steve’s blog. Hopefully, it was a onetime problem although it seemed to have happened fairly recently as well. I will follow up with them to find out what has happened.