Creating new lesson yields "500 - Internal Server error"

We are working on the resplit text issue and hopefull it will be fixed soon. Thanks for your patience everyone. Sorry once again.

The issue should be fixed now. Please upload lessons again and they will look good from now on. Thanks for your patience.

Finally seems to be working. You can edit existing lessons and choose Resplit Text.

Thank you for your hard work, Zoran!

Hey, I receive that error message but only when I try to import text + audiofile. Works fine to import text alone. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

I just tried it now using Chrome. Audio and text importing is working great.
Have you tried clearing your cache etc…? Maybe try with a different browser as well.

I’m still experiencing this same issue. I’ve tried everything you suggest (different browser, clearing cache, etc.). Always an internal server error whenever I try to upload a lesson.

Hi cjb524,
I am sorry to hear that you’re having issues with importing. I’ve just tried and it works perfectly fine for me.
Can you try to upload different text/audio file and let us know if you still have the same issue? You can also send us text/audio you are trying to import on support email and we will try to import it and reproduce the issue.

It’s happening with all files, unfortunately (I just tried a different one that I’ve uploaded successfully in the past and had the same issue).

Thanks for confirmation. It seems that issue occur when uploading audio to a lessons. We’ll fix that. I’ll keep you updated.

The issue should be fixed now. Thanks for your patience!