Creating Links

What should I do, that my Links are really Links in LingQ?
I explain, how I do it: I write a text with a Link with Word or Excel and then I import the text into LingQ.
I use IE7.
Is there a condition that I’m not aware? How does Lingq internal look up for parts of a text that are LingQs?

Here a test: Imported Link

Here a test: Imported Link with aspace after the Link

Here a test: I type the Link in the Forum

Here a test: I type the Link in the Forum with a space after the Link

Here a test: I type the Link in the Forum and “send” the post

Vera, links does not work if there is before.
e.g. Der Schuss - LingQ Language Library
Der Schuss - LingQ Language Library

Thank you. That helps me a lot! I was a frustrated because I cannot figure out the reason why my links don’t work.