Creating LingQs for highly inflected languages! :o

Hi, gang! I’m interested in seeing how different users approach the problem of creating LingQ definitions for words in inflected languages, that is, languages in which a word’s morphology changes based on its grammatical function.

This isn’t a problem at all for something like Mandarin, and the inflectional case system in a romance language like French is itself highly atrophied (though verb conjugation, singular/plural and gender distinctions are still a concern). But German and Russian, two other languages I’m using LinQ to help me with, are both highly inflected.

Is there a basic format you use for writing your LingQ definitions? Do you give the dictionary entry and then mark its case/conjugation? Do you try and give a translation?
Let’s take “Kindern” for an example. Which of these definitions would you use?:
• child [dat. pl.]
• to/for the children
• Kind, das [dat. pl]
Or would you use some combination of them? Please share your strategy and some examples. Thanks!

For Russian I use Ìîðôîëîãè÷åñêèé àíàëèç if I want to identify a form, and I copy the information about the word to the hint window. For instance, for the word гостиницы they give Исходная форма: гостиница and Морфологическая характеристика: Gs ,Np ,Api, which stands for Genitive singular, Nominative plural and Accusative plural inanimate. So I put in the hint window: гостиница Gs,Np, Api hotel.

For me, I’d choose to/for the children for the sake of making the LingQ. If you were interested in understanding the grammar, I would choose the first option.

The only drawback to listing all of them, is you may not instantly know which case it falls under (unless you are at the level you are), so for a beginner it may be a tad more confusing to list them all