Course in Basque/Euskera

I want to do a course in Basque in Euskadi (the Basque country). I did a module at uni once which was an introduction course which also included the various theories of the origin of the language.

Has anyone non-Basque ever done a course in Basque and if so was it possible to learn to a good level?
I am underlining non-Basque as it is a lot easier to learn Basque if you are already Basque as you would hear the language a lot more and there are tonnes of incentives there. It is more difficult when you do not live there.

The only real good course/school that I know to study Basque :

If you choose to learn by your own, I recommend “Le Basque Unifie” from Assimil : this is only an introduction to the language, but it is very well done and give strong basics in the language.

On the Internet, you have this website :

Warning : These are the advices of a former native Basque speaker (I used to understand quite well when I was very young). :wink: