Copyright issue?

The New Lessons for May posterous mail showed under French a lesson entitled Blagues with the following intro:

“Reading fanny stories, you can learn French. It is effective approach for learning. Although I’ve never asked the provider the permission of use, I have decided to share my favorite fanny stories.
Lessons in Collection: 1, New This Month: 1”

While keeping a straight face about the title of the stories, it nevertheless appears to me a bit dodgy to publish something without the express permission of the provider. Am I too cautious?

I agree with you Sanne. I had not noticed this. I will look into it.

OK, I am terribly sorry, I will remove it immediately right now.

But if this site “Advanced French” is not available, there is no address to ask the permission of use, what can I do?
I wanted to share just only one content, and I have already left my message on the web site “Advanced French”.

However, I wait for the provider’s permission although it seems noone manages the following web site now.
( Actually, I downloaded all the contents before, but now they’re not available, we can not download all…)

It looks as if you’d done as much as you can. It seems a real pity, but I think for legality’s sake we might have to not access those lessons, unless Steve or Mark can give you the go-ahead. Thank you for wanting to entertain us!


Why not contact Chris and say something like this;

" I am a member of, an online language learning community. I very much enjoy the French language content at your site and would like to share it with members at LingQ. All of our content can be downloaded and shared, free of charge, by anyone who registers at LingQ, although some learning services at LingQ require the payment of a fee.
Would you be willing to give me permission to share your content. I will of course acknowledge the source with a link to your site.
You can register at LingQ free of charge and check it out."

Thank your very much for you, SanneT, MissTake, stevey AU,

I will send an e-mail to the provider to ask for a permission of use.

I think that “Advanced French” belongs to “Podcast Alley”, it seems no one manages this podcast now, but I will send an e-mail to Podcast Alley manager.

Sorry , what does " fanny" mean ?

I am very sorry, I made a mistake, it is “funny”.

Merci MissTake!

Je vous remercie, Miss Take.

Je me suis rendu compte que j’ai encore d’autres e-mails à envoyer pour la permission d’utilisation, qui serait presque impossible. Est-ce que je pourrais profiter de votre “proposition”? Je ne les copierai et collera pas, j’ajouterai quelques petites détails par moi-même.

Miss Take,
J’ai utilisé votre proposition pour demander la permission d’utiliser le contenu de “Chinois Facile”. (Bien sûr, je vais partager seulement le dialogue de chinois, pas l’explication de français.)

While keeping a straight face about the title of the stories…

:slight_smile: and :wink:

Mini English Lesson

Fanny=nickname for Frances and a word that refers more politely to what my Mum called the “derrière” (backside/buttocks).

That’s American English, btw. It has a different meaning in British English.

@ Raqui2010: how eloquent you are, even with mere punctuation marks. I don’t want to break any frontières here regarding the British meaning, so there’s no mini lesson from me.

Let’s just say that my smallest son has just noticed that he hasn’t got one.

I have just received the following message from a Slow Chinese provider.

Slow Chinese is free source for Learning Chinese, it is appreciated if you can help share it, as Long as you provide Slow Chinese material for free and add the URL to my website.

What does it mean exactly, this answer? Is it possible to share the Slow Chinese content or not?

I believe that you can share the information but you must make sure that you include the URL to their website in the provider description.