To keep fresh while LingQing, it is often nice to take short breaks. The problem with doing this at home in front of your computer is that you are tempted to procrastinate: one quick look at Facebook becomes an hour going through your friend’s friend’s baby pictures. Babies are cute and all, but it would be nice to have a few websites at your fingertips that would be a great break from LingQing but that are not going to make you forget about what you need to do.
These types of websites will vary form person to person, of course.
It is an interactive music synthesiser. You have 8 tracks of different instrument types. Each track looks like a 16X16 grid. You click squares on the grid to choose when (the Y axis) and at what pitch (the X axis) you want to play the note. The music runs on a 16 beat loop.
I like this because it satisfies the nerdy part of me that wants to figure out grammar rules when I am LingQing instead of just enjoying the language as it is.
Ed, may be you know a site that can help break my growing addiction to the sites, including the growing addiction to writing nonsense at LingQ forums. Urgent help needed!