Content *You* Want to See

Hi all! This is a thread for learners to list the content they would like to see made. Use this thread to either post content you would like to see developed or choose something from the list and develop content for others in your native language.

I will start the ball rolling. This is something I’d like to see:

Topic: I’d like an intermediate(-ish) lesson that uses vocabulary that’s relavant to my occupation in new media. Topics could include the internet, social media, graphic design, website development, etc.

Language: Portuguese, Spanish or Russian

I don’t know if Vera would give permission or not, but I’d love to see Ab jetzt lerne ich Deutsch or something very much like it in Russian.

Before saying what I would like to see in the languages I’m studying (I have to think about it), I’d like to know from my present and from would-be students of Italian what they would like to find in the Italian library.

Hi Michele,

I am intending to re-start Italian in the new year, for an intended trip in the summer - the Italian library seems to have so much more content than a year or so ago, so I’ll be taking full advantage !
What I’d really like to see is more science podcasts, similar to Wahnhoff’s Wunderbare Welt der Wissenschaft in German (and thanks Vera for transcribing these).

There’s a great podcast site in French for astronomy that I download stuff from all the time:

Something like that, if one exists in Italian, would be fantastic. I’ll have a look myself to see if there’s anything out there already.

I am more than happy to transcribe anything in English by the way. I was thinking of starting to transcribe the cieletespaceradio podcasts (and running them past a native French speaker if anyone is interested); the recordings are top quality and very informative.

…assuming they give me permission that is.

Thanks for your suggestions, Jamie. I don’t know any science podcast in Italian which is not covered by copyright, but I will search for one.


If you are really ambitious you could try to do what Albert has done in Spanish with his Puntos de vista collection, where he retells the same story 6 times from different time perspectives. Verb tenses are a problem in many languages. Maybe some others could do this as well.

I think that our member created content is a valuable feature of LingQ. The quality of these lessons is outstanding. I am sure we have all come across these lessons in our learning here.

We are going to find ways to make these more prominent in our libraries in order to make sure that our learners can find them more easily.

I encourage you to create more of these. For inspiration as to what to provide, look at what some of our members have done in the language that you are learning. Look at the beginner texts, the simple diaries, the texts read at normal speed, and then more slowly, the texts that feature different aspects of grammar and structure in interesing ways, the pleasant dialogues, the transcriptions of interesting podcasts, the list goes on.

These lessons will be more clearly featured in the future, making sure that more learners find them and use them. This will mean more points earned for the providers of such content and more satisfaction in helping other people learn in this dynamic community devoted to language learning.