Confused about pronoun placement

I am seeing a lot of examples where pronouns are in different places in a sentence. For example, to say “I want to see it,” I’ve seen it as “Quiero ver lo” and as “Quiero lo ver.” Which is correct? The grammar explanation that the object of the verb goes before the verb, but I’ve seen a lot of sample dialogue where it goes after. Is one of these placements considered slang?

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the correct sentence is
Quiero verlo.
el verbo ver va junto al pronombre
quiero oirlo
quiero comerlo
quiero tomarlo
aunque el verbo es oir, ver, comer, tomar, en este caso van juntos
sobre el objeto que quieres va separado cuando te refieres de esta manera
quiero oir la musica, quiero oirla
quiero comer una manzana, quiero comerla
quiero tomar una manzana, quiero tomarla.
espero te ayude


You can see in this link (What is the word order with direct object pronouns in Spanish?) an explanation about where those pronouns go before and after the verb. It should be sufficient to better understand it.

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Thank you! This was helpful. Appreciate the response.

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