Collection_title: This field may not be blank (attempting YouTube import)

I’m trying to import the youtube video on the link below, it was in my feed on the main page of lingq, so I would think it is able to be imported but I’ve noticed this one other time with the same situation (video is in my lessons feed on the main page, but an error occurs when I try to import it).

Target Language to Import: Italian
Error: collection_title: This field may not be blank.
Browser: Firefox
Method: Using the LingQ Importer utility

I’d really like to be able to add this video into my lessons, please fix this (preferably going forward and not on a case-by-case basis).

Thank you.

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There is currently an issue with Youtube imports through the official LingQ extension.

You can use these free unofficial extensions to import your content in the meantime.

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We are doing our best to have this fixed asap, it’s work in progress.