Coins are not calculated for manual adding reading or listening

When i added a 30 minutes to my daily listening, the coins are not updated , the same for reading


I believe this is by design, to prevent people from (so easily) cheating on the coin-related competitions etc.

EDIT: Indeed. See: How to earn Coins and what to do with them? - Knowledge Base / Getting Started - LingQ Language Forums


By design, or else you could meet your LingQ goals by…not using LingQ.


I like to keep track of the coins earned daily too, but ultimately it’s part of the gamification to keep people coming back and using the app/site. The problem is that it can make us feel like the language learning activities that we perform outside of LingQ aren’t as valid as the ones that earn us coins – when that’s obviously not true at all.

I’d be a LingQ billionaire if I had coins awarded for all of the time I’d spent in other countries and using other programs to study languages.

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That is how it always worked. You won’t get coins for manually added listening/reading time.

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