Chrome Extension: LingQ Here problems

@stanh, Nexus-6 - The Chrome Extension should be working again on Windows. Let us know if you are still having problems. Sorry about that!

When will it be working on the Mac? Thanks.

@stanh - Sorry, it should work on a Mac already. Is it still not working for you?

Thanks for your efforts but unfortunately I am still having exactly the same problems. The plugin is not working on my computer nor on my laptop.

On my laptop I even uninstalled the browser, installed it again and installed Lingq extension so that it was the only extension. On my computer I tried the whole incognito mode procedure and still nothing - the notice “Importing to Lingq” in black font pops up for a second or so and disappears.

Here’s one of the articles I was trying to quickimport.

Is this on that same site, el pais?

I tried it on this page:
LingQ Here worked (with the exception of a numbered list which it ignored).
Open in LingQ still does not import.
Thank you.

@stanh - I don’t know what to tell you. It is some kind of issue on your computer I’m afraid. Works fine for me using Chrome on Mac. We have no good way of diagnosing the issue. We are reworking our Chrome extension soon so hopefully the new version will be better. Do you have any way of testing on a different machine?

Nexus-6 Sorry about that. I’ve tried importing that article and a few others on using the chrome extension on a Windows laptop and everything works fine.

I have just tried it on my MacBook Air. Exact same behavior. Please let me know when the new version is available. Thanks.

I usually take texts from this site. But I’ve tried from other sites too.

Why I can’t use the extension anymore is beyond me then. Well, maybe the new version will work… :frowning:

Hello Everyone,

There is a new update (1.3.1) to the LingQ Chrome Extension. It’ should be working on both Windows and Mac on all sites including secure sites. After updating the LingQ Chrome Extension, you may have to refresh your browser for the changes to take effect.

@stanh - Any luck with the new extension?

Yes! It works both “here” and “in LingQ”! Thank you!

Hi, I’m using 1.3.1 on a Mac and when I try the extension it always tells me to login to even though I’m already logged in. Do you need a premium account to use the extension? Right now I’m on the free trial.

You don’t need a premium account to use the extension but if you have hit your import limit, you won’t be able to import new lessons. That could be it. Otherwise, that seems quite strange.