Chinese Tutor (中文教师)


I am very happy to become an online Chinese tutor recently. I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin. I look forward to helping you in your Chinese learning.







Can you help us convert our simplified Chinese interface into traditional and make any changes in the translation? Please let me know if have the time. Our interface has been translated on a volunteer basis by our members. We only have simplified characters and need the same in traditional characters. Let me know if you can help. Thanks.

My Chinese language word processors does not work right now, that is why I am writing in English.

Well sometimes it is not that easy to translate simplified Chinese to the traditional one. It is hard to find someone who get both educations from the school.
In short, some difference is there.
Vicky, we support you.

The software that I used to translate simplified Chinese characters to traditional Chinese characters is called NJStar. It is good for translating Chinese text too.

Thanks for everyone’s encouragement and support. I really hope that there are more and more people become Chinese tutors.

Hi, I’m from Hong Kong and I can speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English. I can read both traditional and simplified Chinese. I just use MS Word to translate simplified Chinese to traditional one. Because there are still some bugs in translating, I will proofread the text myself.

By the way, I am a beginner of Japanese, and I wanna improve my English as well. I am very happy to see such a language learning system on the web.

If you use Firefox, there a plug-in - 新同文堂 can convert it in one click.

新同文堂 :


Since the simplified translation is further along than the Traditional could you help out by going in and converting the simplified into Traditional and making any additional changes as necessary. I will ask Mark to send you the information. If you are too busy that is OK.

As I have mentioned in another post, there are online and offline software to convert between traditional and simplified. If you still need help, and Edward happens to be busy, I can give it a try. It should not take long. If you have everything in one text file, it should take a few minutes.


我在另一個post上說過, 現在已有許多綫上工具及軟件提供繁體簡體字轉換. 如果您仍需要幫助, 而Edward也很忙, 我可以嘗試幫助. 這應該不需花太多時間. 如果所有文字都在一個text file裡, 那就只需要幾分鐘就可以了.

我在另一个post上说过, 现在已有许多綫上工具及软件提供繁体简体字转换. 如果您仍需要帮助, 而Edward也很忙, 我可以尝试帮助. 这应该不需花太多时间. 如果所有文字都在一个text file里, 那就只需要几分钟就可以了.


hello ,friends all of world,
I’m Joan and come from china,so I can talk to you in chinese freely,if you are a native english speaker and you want to learn chinese ,you can make friends with me !we can study language each other .but pls note that my english is not very good,so I need you to try your best to help me
i love LingQ since I know LingQ from my friend ,can you help me?can you hope we help each other?
if yes, please add me to your friends and visit my blog. I would be glad to help with your Chinese too.sure that we will get goog achievements in nearly future.
add 2 point:my job is Export Business Rep and the photo is my baby’s.


关于做tutor嘚事情另外可以给我送mail. steve(at)

Hi, i’m Evangeine from China mainland. I knew this website by reading Steve’s book 《the linguist》, it seems fantastic to master so many different languages, incredible! It convince an old chinese saying ‘where there is a will, there is a way’ :slight_smile:

LingQ makes me feel courageous to challenge myself to learn french again which i just gave it up 2months ago, thanks Steve for this plateform! By the way, i can teach chinese online for the english natives FOC, and i hope to make friends with people from french-speaking countries who are right interested in Chinese. My MSN is, you can add me in your panel or send me mails, you’re always welcome.

大家好,我是Evangline, 来自中国大陆。我从最近买到Steve在2004年5月的《The linguist》中文版,掌握九门语言真是不可思议!中国有句古语说得好‘有志者,事竟成’

LingQ让我对刚放下两个月的法语开始重拾信心, 谢谢steve提供的这个平台!顺便说下,我可以在线免费教英语是母语的人普通话, 同时我希望认识想学中文的讲法语的朋友,如果感兴趣可以加我, 当然也可以给我发邮件。


本人最近志願參加協助翻譯LingQ網站的一些內容. 發現繁體字的內容, 有些已經被使用簡體字的朋友翻譯好了. 但是讀起來非常奇怪, 字也用的不對. 因為有一些字的翻法和寫法, 對使用繁體字的人來說, 會覺得莫名其妙. 相對而言, 如果繁體字的人好心去翻簡體字的內容, 也是會產生同樣的結果. 我建議兩種介面的翻譯者, 不應該互相干擾. 我這麼說並沒有任何政治上的意涵, 只是覺得在正式的公文上(如LinqQ), 語言應該保持它的正確性. 如果有得罪之處, 懇請包含. Just my two cents worth.

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There may be parts of the Traditional Characters translation that were simply converted over from Simplified. We welcome you making improvements or changes that seem more natural to you. Thank you.

to Agjean:
请问Steve的《The Linguist》中文版在哪里有购买?淘宝上有么?我对此书很感兴趣!


要是在中国不能买, 我有。可以送。

To all:
MS Office 有简-繁体字互译 功能的!可以借助 ^ ^


繁in chinese means: complicated ,所以简体字比繁体字容易,却又是繁体字的精炼!简体字是繁体字的基础!
简体字+必要的古汉语知识,学繁体字就一定不难。在港台,就 “识繁书简”(recognize the traditional chinese and write the simplified chinese)

chinese is such a beautiful language, just enjoy it ,hehe!